reading time: 6 min

It's been 9 and a half months now since I chopped off and donated 30 centimeters / 12 inches of my hair. Prior to this "turning point" I had done a blog post on 10 hair styles for long hair, and afterwards I did one on 8 hair styles for short hair. Now that my hair has grown quite a bit (from chin length to shoulder length) and is at an awkward in-between stage of "not very short but also quite long yet", it is time to show you my adjusted hair styling: not eight, not ten, but 12 hair styles for mid-length hair that work on both straight and curly hair!
A little disclaimer: As much as I enjoy playing around with my hair, I'm definitely not someone who is "good at hair", and I usually end up wearing the same three hassle-free hairstyles over and over again. That being said, I'm confident that if I can tackle these hairstyles, I know that you can too!
The only "tools" you will need are no more than three elastics and a handful of bobby pins. Let's get started!
A little disclaimer: As much as I enjoy playing around with my hair, I'm definitely not someone who is "good at hair", and I usually end up wearing the same three hassle-free hairstyles over and over again. That being said, I'm confident that if I can tackle these hairstyles, I know that you can too!
The only "tools" you will need are no more than three elastics and a handful of bobby pins. Let's get started!